Sunday, 29 July 2012

Belated War & Peace Show Pics

I took my camera to the show but didnt take any pictures with it, apart from a load of Rex Cadmans Panther :-) I did take a few on my phone though and here they are.

As you can see, conditions were less than perfect! But the good old English Dunkirk spirit prevailed :-)
Some wag planted these boots in a big puddle! "They died with their boots on"

When the organisers dumped bark chippings everybody mucked in to get it where it was needed.

This is how to stretch a tow rope :-o

Here's a few pictures of Armortek's new Centurion model. It seemed a shame to get it so mucky but it managed ok in all the mire. The last pic is John Davies Comet with a large amount of mud building up around the rear!!!
Here's Jim Cusworths latest cameo :-)

 This chap must have had a hard night!
 Me love you long time...

And finaly, poor Humpys boots expired while at the show! Farewell old friends .

Friday, 6 July 2012

Work Commences!

After much deliberation, and analysing of what we want to achieve its been decided to make a replacement chassis to start with! This is something that Howard has done for many of our 1/6th scale models and although this is the first 1/4 scale chassis its something he's quite confident with :-) Below are a few pictures of the beginnings of the drive system. To move the sprocket forward to (more or less) where it should be, this means a smaller chain drive sprocket on the inside of the drive shaft. Because of the gearing needed to get the speed right, and a smaller sprocket on the drive shaft, a two stage drive system similar to that in my 1/6th JagdPanther is needed. The flat plates support the intermediate shaft. I mentioned to Howard if this was going to strong enough? I should say so, he said, those rods are 10mm thick steel! Looking at the pictures you dont realise just how big this assembly is and that its for a 1/4 scale model not a 1/6th scale model.

 These are the extensions to the chassis, to the left, the lower rounded edge of the final drive, and to the right the glacis extensions where the towing shackle will fit.
 This is one of the drive assembly 'wing' plates which hold the drive assembly together (the last two pictures show how this all fits together) with the extensions in place.
 Here's how the intermediate shaft and final drive shaft will lie in relation to the wing plate.
 These are the final drive bearing housings and fixing plates.
 Here we can see the 'wing' plates spaced apart with the intermediate shaft mountings above the motors.
And another shot to show it all lies in relation to all the parts!