Sunday, 29 July 2012

Belated War & Peace Show Pics

I took my camera to the show but didnt take any pictures with it, apart from a load of Rex Cadmans Panther :-) I did take a few on my phone though and here they are.

As you can see, conditions were less than perfect! But the good old English Dunkirk spirit prevailed :-)
Some wag planted these boots in a big puddle! "They died with their boots on"

When the organisers dumped bark chippings everybody mucked in to get it where it was needed.

This is how to stretch a tow rope :-o

Here's a few pictures of Armortek's new Centurion model. It seemed a shame to get it so mucky but it managed ok in all the mire. The last pic is John Davies Comet with a large amount of mud building up around the rear!!!
Here's Jim Cusworths latest cameo :-)

 This chap must have had a hard night!
 Me love you long time...

And finaly, poor Humpys boots expired while at the show! Farewell old friends .

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